Bibliografías de los Pueblos Originarios de Bolivia

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ACOSTA BERNAL, Daniela Carmiña 2010

Transición y consolidación de la organización política de los tsimanes y mosetenes de Pilón Lajas. Entre lo tradicional y la democracia moderna, La Paz, Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo", Carrera de Ciencias Políticas. Tesis de Licenciatura

AGUIRRE, G. 2006

Plantas medicinales utilizadas por los indígenas Moseten-Tsimane' de la comunidad Asunción del Quiquibey, en la RB-TCO Pilón Lajas, Beni, Bolivia, La Paz, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Tesis de Licenciatura

ALBÓ, Xavier 1995

Bolivia plurilingüe. Guía para planificadores y educadores. Volumen 2, La Paz, UNICEF - CIPCA. XIV pp. + 246 pp.

ALBÓ, Xavier 2012

"Los actores locales del TIPNIS", Cuarto Intermedio [Cochabamba], 101, pp. 55-69.


La relación entre inserción al mercado y deforestación mediante el chaco agrícola nuevo en familias de comunidades chimanes, yuracarés y moxeñas dentro de territorios indígenas, La Paz, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Carrera de Antropología.

ANCALLE CHOQUE, José Rubén 1996

Estudio de los recursos comunicacionales utilizados en el Proceso de Planificación Participativa (Caso: C.B.P. Consultores en la Provincia Ballivián), Cochabamba, Universidad Católica Boliviana, Carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicación Social.

AÑEZ, Jorge 1992

“The Chimane experience in selling Jatata", en: Mark J. Plotkin & Lisa M. Famolare (eds.), Sustainable harvest and marketing of rain forest products, Washington, D. C., Island Press, pp. 199-200.

ANTEZANA J., Luis H. 1984

“Canciones chimane”, Hipótesis [Cochabamba], 20/21, pp. 63-93.

ANTÚNEZ, Argentina 1989

“Conflictos sociales en el Bosque de Chimanes”, en: Documento resumen del V Encuentro Nacional de la Coordinadora de Solidaridad con los Pueblos Indígenas del Oriente Boliviano, Santa Ana de Yacuma, Coordinadora de Solidaridad con los Pueblos Indígenas del Oriente Boliviano, pp. 1-12.

APAZA VARGAS, Lilian Marlene 2002

Estudio comparativo de la caza y uso de mamíferos en dos comunidades tsimane, La Paz, UMSA, Carrera de Biología. Tesis de Licenciatura

APAZA VARGAS, Lilian, et alii 2002

"Meat prices influence the consumption of wildlife by the Tsimane´ Amerindians of Bolivia", Oryx [Cambridge], 36 (4), pp. 382-388.

APAZA VARGAS, Lilian, et alii 2003

"Markets and the use of wild animals for traditional medicine among the Tsimane´ Amerindians, Bolivia", Journal of Ethnobiology [Denton, TX], 23 (1), pp. 47-64.

ARACENA IBARRA, Teodoro 1991

Oftalmología en Bolivia: Enfoque geográfico y antropológico. Vol. II: Grupos étnicos aislados, Cochabamba, Editorial Serrano.

ARAOZ SANJINÉS, Gonzalo 1995

Matrimonio prescriptivo y espacio social Tsimane, La Paz, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés. Tesis de Licenciatura

ARAOZ SANJINÉS, Gonzalo 1997

"Reinterpretacion Tsimane del espacio urbano: Mimica y consumo creativo en contexto pluricultural", en: XI Reunion Anual de Etnologia, La Paz, Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore, II, pp. 417-422.

ARCE, Juan Pablo, Patricia ERGUETA, Sylvia ESTENSSORO & Maria R. de MARCONI 1989

Región de Chimanes: un diagnóstico de la biodiversidad y la problemática ambiental. Informe elaborado a solicitud de Conservación International, La Paz.

ARMENTIA, Nicolás 1901-02

“Los indios mosetenes y su lengua. Noticias generales y vocabulario”, Anales de la Sociedad Científica de Argentina [Buenos Aires] 52,1901, pp. 294-306; 53,1902, pp. 49-65, 150-157,234-241, 293-297; 54,1902, pp. 49-60, 144-150, 181-201, 272-282.

ARMENTIA, Nicolás 1905

Descripción del territorio de las misiones franciscanas de Apolobamba por otro nombre Frontera de Caupolicán, La Paz, Imp. Artística.

AUZA SANTI, Jacqueline 2006-07

“Estudio de un mito Tsimane’ recopilado ayer … y hoy”, Lexi Lexe [La Paz], VI (6), pp. 102-108.

BALZA ALARCÓN, Roberto 1994

Proyecto de manejo y aprovechamiento integral de recursos forestales en el Territorio Indígena Multiétnico: análisis de las condiciones sociales para la certificación de la madera. Primer borrador, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, CIDOB-SNV.


Este país tan solo en su agonía, La Paz-Cochabamba, Editorial "Los Amigos del Libro".

BARNADAS, Josep M. 1984

“Las reducciones jesuíticas de Mojos”, Historia Boliviana [Cochabamba], IV (2), pp. 135-166.


"Observaciones prelimianres del uso de la ictiofauna en el asentamiento chimane Colorado en el territorio indígena Reserva de la Biósfera Pilón Lajas (TIRB-PL), departamento del Beni", en: T. Fang, O. Montengro & R. Bodmer (eds.), Manejo y conservación de fauna silvestre en América Latina, La Paz, UMSA, Instituto de Ecología, pp. 245-250.

BOGADO EGUEZ, Daniel 1989

Chimanes y carayanas: relaciones de alteridad, Cochabamba, Universidad Católica Boliviana, Departamento de Filosofía.

BOGADO EGUEZ, Daniel 1994

Territorio indígena multiétnico en el Bosque de Chimanes: problemas, logros y perspectivas, Trinidad, CIDDEBENI.


"Intergenerational wealth transmission and the dynamics of inequality in small-scale societies", Science [New York], 326 (5953), pp. 682-688.

BOTTAZZI, Patrick 2006

La gouvernance des aires protégées et des territoires tsimane' en Amazonie bolivienne: genèse des organisations autochtones et processus de décentralisation, Montpellier, Université de Montpellier. PDF

BOTTAZZI, Patrick 2007

Evaluating the effectiveness of participatory approaches in protected areas (EEPA). Reserve biosphère et territoire autochtone Pilón Lajas. Synthese de resultats de terrain, Graduate Institute of Development Studies - Swiss National Center of Competence in Research. PDF

BOTTAZZI, Patrick & Marc HUFTY 2005

"Citoyenneté "autochthone" et réformes environnementales en Amazonie bolivienne", LAZOS [Paris], 7, pp. 135-146.

BRABEC, Marek, Ricardo GODOY, Victoria REYES GARCÍA & William R. LEONARD 2007

"BMI income, and social capital in a native Amazonian society: Interaction between relative and community variables", American Journal of Human Biology [Wiley-Liss, Inc.], 19 (4), pp. 459-474.

BRINTON, Daniel Garrison 1891

The American Race: A linguistic classification and ethnographic description of the native tribes of North and South America, New York, N. D. C. Hodges, Publisher. + Reedición facsimilar: La Vergne, TN, Bibliolife, 2010.

BURHOP Jr., James Edward 2003

Infection, C-Reactive protein, and growth of Tsimane´ Amerindian children from lowland Bolivia, Evanston, IL, Northwestern University (Master of Science in Neurobiology and Physiology). PDF

BYRON, Elizabeth 2003

Market integration and health: The impact of markets on the nutritional status, morbidity, and diet of the Tsimane´ Amerindians of lowland Bolivia, Gainesville, University of Florida. PDF Tesis de Doctorado


"Experiencias de normalización lingüística en tierras bajas de Bolivia. El caso de las lenguas tsimane y mosetén", en: Patricia Marín & Juan Carvajal (eds.), Nuesta lengua vive si la hablamos. Memoria del taller nacional de normalización lingüística. Cochabamba - Bolivia, 20 al 22 de agosto de 2009, La Paz, CNC - Ministerio de Educación, pp. 138-142.

CAIMANI, Clemente (recopilación) 2009

Animales de la TCO Pilón Lajas, La Paz, Ministerio de Educación, Proyecto EIBAMAZ.

CAIMANI, Clemente (recopilación) 2009

Palmeras y árboles de la TCO Pilón Lajas, La Paz, Ministerio de Educación, Proyecto EIBAMAZ.


“Noticia sobre la prospección etnográfica a los chimane del río Chimane”, Scripta Etnológica [Buenos Aires], 3 (I), pp. 195-196.

CALVERT-MIR, Laura, Victoria REYES GARCÍA, Susan TANNER & the TAPS Study Team 2008

"Is there a divide between local medicinal knowledge and the Western medicine? A case study among native Amazonians in Bolivia", Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine [London], 4 (18), 11 pp. PDF

CALVERT-MIR, Laura 2007

The divide between local medicinal knowledge and Western medicine. A case study among the Tsimane, in the Bolivian Amazon, Barcelona, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (Máster en Estudis Ambientals, especialitat en Economía Ecológica). PDF


“Canciones chimanes de la alborada”, Bolivia Multiétnica [La Paz], 1 (2), p. 11.


"Primeros resultados sobre la ictiofauna de la Estación Biológica del Beni: composición de la comunidad", en: Memorias del II Congreso Boliviano de Biología, Cochabamba, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, pp. 31-41.

CASTILLO, Fidel Gabriel 1988

Canje-venta de territorios por la deuda externa, de los Chimane-Mosetene, La Paz.

CASTILLO, Fidel Gabriel 1988

Chimanes, cambas y collas: las relaciones interétnicas en las tierras bajas y tropicales del Beni (1982-1985), La Paz, s.e.


Informe sobre las demandas territoriales indígenas en el Departamento del Beni, Trinidad.


“Los territorios indígenas en Bolivia. Una aproximación a su situación actual”, Artículo Primero [Santa Cruz], 1 (2), pp. 78-87.

CHÁVEZ, Medardo 1926

Eldorado boliviano, La Paz, Imprenta Renacimiento.

CHICCHÓN, Avecita 1989

“Proceso de integración de los chimane a la economía de San Borja, Departamento Beni”, en: Reunión Anual de Etnología 1989, La Paz, Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore. 6 pp.

CHICCHÓN, Avecita 1991

“Can indigenous people and conservationists be allies? The case of the Beni Biosphere Reserve, Bolivia”, TCD Newsletter [Gainesville], 23, pp. 1-5.

CHICCHÓN, Avecita 1992

Chimane resource use and market involvement in the Beni Biosphere Reserve, Bolivia, Orlando, University of Florida. Tesis de Doctorado

CHICCHÓN, Avecita 1995

"Faunal resource use by the Chimane of Eastern Bolivia", en: Leslie E. Sponsel (ed.), Indigenous peoples and the future of Amazonia, Tucson, University of Arizona Press, pp. 225-243.

CHICCHÓN, Avecita 2000

“Fauna en la subsistencia de los Tsimane”, en: O. Herrera-Macbryde, et alii (eds.), Biodiversidad, conservación y manejo en la región de la Reserva de la Biosfera Estación Biológica del Beni, Bolivia, Washington, Smithsonian Institution, pp. 365-383.


"La dinámica sociolingüística en la comunidad amazónica "Asunción del Quiquibey" del Beni", en: Patricia Marín & Juan Carvajal (eds.), Nuestra lengua vive si la hablamos. Memoria del taller nacional de normalización lingüística. Cochabamba - Bolivia, 20 al 22 de agosto de 2009, La Paz, CNC - Ministerio de Educación, pp. 239-254.


Proyecto Isiboro-Sécure, Trinidad, CIDDEBENI.


Diagnóstico socio-económico del Bosque de Chimanes. 1ra. fase: El problema de la territorialidad de los pueblos indígenas. Informe final, Trinidad, CIDDEBENI.


“La problemática territorial de los indígenas en el Bosque de Chimanes, Bolivia”, Hombre y Ambiente [Quito], IV (13), pp. 7-28.


Proyecto: Manejo y aprovechamiento integral de recursos forestales en el Territorio Indígena Multiétnico, Trinidad, CIDDEBENI - COTIM.


Consejo Chimane. PDCR II. Diagnóstico y plan de desarrollo del distrito indígena chimane, Trinidad, CIDDEBENI.


Cuentos Tsimane', Santa Cruz, CIDOB.


“Colonización: Agresión pacífica ...?? (El caso de los Lecos, Mosetenes y Chimanes)”, Solidaridad [La Paz], 1, pp. 3-4.


Conclusiones del VII Encuentro de corregidores y representantes de la Subcentral Indígena de San Ignacio de Mojos, San Ignacio.


Etapa de una larga marcha, La Paz, Asociación Aquí Avance - Educación Radiofónica de Bolivia.


Proyecto Organización interétnica Isiboro-Sécure, Cochabamba, Coordinadora para la Unidad y Desarrollo de Nacionalidades Andino-Amazónicas.

COPA, María E. & Wendy R. TOWNSEND 2004

"Aprovechamiento de la fauna por dos comunidades Tsimane´s (Beni-Bolivia). Un subsidio del bosque en la economía familiar", Revista Boliviana de Ecología y Conservación Ambiental [La Paz], 16

COPA, M. 2002

La pesca: Una evaluación inicial en la comunidad San Antonio de Tequeje (Río Beni), La Paz, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

CORELLA, Alfons, et alii 2007

"Mitochondrial DNA diversity of the Amerindian populations living in the Andean piedmont of Bolivia: Chimane, Moseten, Aymara and Quechua", Annals of Human Biology [Taylor& Francis], 34 (1), pp. 34-55. PDF

COSTAS MONJE, Patricia 2010

"La pluriterritorialidad en el Norte de La Paz. Dos estudios de caso sobre la defensa del territorio", en: Fundación TIERRA (ed.) Reconfigurando territorios, Fundación TIERRA, pp. 143-170.

COX, Ricardo 1991

“Continúa la usurpación del territorio indígena en Chimanes”, Arinsaya [Caracas/Lima], 13, pp. 107-110.


Hacia una propuesta indígena de descentralización del estado, La Paz, PROADE - ILDIS.

CREVELS, Mily 2009

"Bolivia amazónica", en: Atlas sociolingüístico de pueblos indígenas en América Latina, Cochabamba, FUNRPOEIB Andes - UNICEF, 1, pp. 281-300.

DAILLANT, Isabelle 1994

"L’organisation sociale chimane: émergence d'un système traditionnel", ponencia presentada en el 48º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Estocolmo.

DAILLANT, Isabelle 1994

Sens dessus dessous. Organisation sociale et spatiale des Chimane d´Amazonie Bolivienne, Paris, Université de Paris X, UMR 116, Laboratoire d´Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative. Tesis de Doctorado

DAILLANT, Isabelle 1995

“Du fond des Andes au grand Aval. L´espace des mythes et l´espace des morts chez les Chimane d´Amazonie bolivienne”, Journal de la Société des Américanistes [Paris], 81, pp. 159-180.

DAILLANT, Isabelle 1997

“"Porque ahí parió la mujer de Dios". La Salina de los Chimanes y la destrucción de sus petroglifos”, Boletín de la Sociedad de Investigación del Arte Rupestre de Bolivia [La Paz], 11, pp. 53-67.

DAILLANT, Isabelle 1998

"Ils sont comme nous, mais...". Relations de parenté et de genre entre Chimane et "gens du dedans", Anthropologie et Sociétés [Québec], 22 (2), pp. 75-97.

DAILLANT, Isabelle 1999

"Bajar y arribar: etno-ictiología de las migraciones de peces", Revista Boliviana de Ecología [Cochabamba], 6, pp. 87-94.

DAILLANT, Isabelle 2000

"L'alliance dravidienne au singulier", L'Homme [Paris], 154-155, pp. 159-182. PDF

DAILLANT, Isabelle 2004

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DAILLANT, Isabelle 2007

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DAILLANT, Isabelle 2008

"Le centre salé du monde. La saline des Chimane du piémont bolivien", en: O. Weller, A. Dufraisse & P. Pétrequin (eds.), Sel, eau et forêt. D'hier à aujourd'hui, Besançon, Presses Universitaires de France-Comté, pp. 13-47.

DAILLANT, Isabelle & Klaus HAMBERGER 2009

"Géométries dravidiennes. Une analyse comparative des structures matrimoniales de trois sociétés amazoniennes", Annales de démographie historique[Paris], 2008 (2), pp. 145-195.

DENEVAN, William M. 1966

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DIENST, Rudolf 1926

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ELLIS, Rebecca 1996

A taste for movement: an exploration of the social ethics of the Tsimanes of Lowland Bolivia, St. Andrews, St. Andrews University. Tesis de Doctorado

ELLIS, Rebecca 1997

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ELLIS, Rebecca 1999

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ELLIS, Rebecca & Gonzalo ARAUZ 1998

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ESCÓBAR, Olga Lucía 2005

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ESTENSSORO, Sylvia 1991

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Pueblos indígenas del Beni: informe de la misión de identificación, La Paz, FIDA.

FOSTER, Z., et alii 2005

"Physical growth and nutritional status of Tsimane Amerindian children of lowland Bolivia", American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Wiley], 126 (3), pp. 343-351.

FRERE, Ludovic 1997

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FRÉSARD, Christian 1999

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GARCÍA PÉREZ, Ángel Eustaquio 2002

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GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2005

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GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2005

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GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2005

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GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2006

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GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2007

“How well do foragers protect food consumption? Panel evidence from a native Amazonian society in Bolivia”, Human Ecology [New York], 35 (6), pp. 723-732.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2007

"On the measure of income and the economic unimportance of social capital. Evidence from a native Amazonian society of farmers and foragers", Journal of Anthropological Research [Albuquerque], 63 (2), pp. 239-260.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2007

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GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2007

"Schooling´s contribution to social capital: Study from a native Amazonian society in Bolivia", Comparative Education [Routledge Publ.], 43, pp. 137-163.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2007

"Signaling by consumption in a native Amazonian society", Evolution and Human Behavior [Elsevier], 28 (2), pp. 124-124.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2007

“The role of community and individuals in the formation of social capital”, Human Ecology [New York], 35 (6), pp. 709-721.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2008

“Assortative mating and offspring well-being. Theory and empirical findings from a native Amazonian society in Bolivia”, Evolution and Human Behavior [Elsevier], 29, pp. 201-210.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2008

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GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2008

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GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2008

"The effect of rainfall during gestation and early childhood on adult height in a foraging and horticultural society of the Bolivian Amazon", American Journal of Human Biology [Wiley], 20 (1), pp. 23-34.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2009

“Long-Term (Secular) change of ethnobotanical knowledge of useful plants: separating cohort and age effects”, Journal of Anthropological Research [Albuqueruqe], 65 (1), pp. 51-68.

GODOY, Ricardo A. 2009

"Moving beyond a snapshot to understand changes in the well-being of native Amazonians: Panel evidence (2002-2006) from Bolivia", Current Anthropology [Chicago], 50 (4), pp. 563-573.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2009

“The relation between forest clearance and household income among native Amazonians: Results from the Tsimane’ Amazonian Panel Study, Bolivia”, Ecological Economics [Elsevier], 68 (6), pp. 1864-1871.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2010

"The effect of wealth and real income on wildlife consumption among native Amazonians in Bolivia: estimates of annual trends with longitudinal household data (2002-2006)", Animal Conservation [Cambridge], 13 (3), pp. 265-274.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2010

"Why no adult stunting penalty or height premium? Estimates from native Amazonians in Bolivia", Economics and Human Biology, 8, pp. 88-99. PDF

GODOY, Ricardo A. 2010

"Short but catching up: statural growth among native Amazonian Bolivian children", American Journal of Human Biology, 22 (3), pp. 336-347.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2007

"How well do foragers protect food consumption? Panel evidence from a native Amazonian society in Bolivia", Human Ecology [New York], 35, pp. 734-732.

GODOY, Ricardo A., et alii 2009

"Long-term (secular) change of ethnobotanical knowledge of useful plants: separating cohort and age effects", Journal of Anthropological Research [Albuquerque], 65 (1), pp. 51-67.

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REYES GARCÍA, Victoria, et alii 2003

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REYES GARCÍA, Victoria, et alii 2004

"Measuring culture as shared knowledge: Do test types matter? Data from Tsimane´ Amerindians, Bolivia", Field Methods [Gainesville], 16 (2), pp. 135-156.

REYES GARCÍA, Victoria, et alii 2005

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REYES GARCÍA, Victoria, et alii 2005

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REYES GARCÍA, Victoria, et alii 2007

"Economic development and local ecological knowledge: a deadlock? Data from a native Amazonian society", Human Ecology [New York], 35 (3), pp. 371-377.

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REYES GARCÍA, Victoria, et alii 2007

"Ethnobotanical skills and clearance of tropical rain forest for agriculture: A case study in the lowlands of Bolivia", AMBIO. A Journal of the Human Environment [Stockholm], 36 (5), pp. 406-408.

REYES GARCÍA, Victoria, et alii 2008

"Ethnobotanical knowledge and crop diversity in swidden fields: A study in a native Amazonian society", Human Ecology [New York], 36 (4), pp. 569-580.

REYES GARCÍA, Victoria, et alii 2008

“Non-market returns to traditional human capital: Nutritional status and traditional knowledge in a native Amazonian society”, Journal of Development Studies [Routledge Publ.], 44 (2), pp. 206-221.

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“Cultural transmission of ethnobotanical knowledge and skills: an empirical analysis fron an Amerindian society”, Evolution and Human Behavior [Elsevier, Inc.], 30 (4), pp. 274-285.

REYES GARCÍA, Victoria 2009

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The effect of market economies on the well-being of indigenous peoples and on their use of renewable natural sources, TAPS Working Paper Series # 1. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Elizabeth Byron, William R. Leonard, Vincent Vadez.


Why do mothers favor girls and fathers boys? A hypothesis and a test of intra-household girl-boy investment disparity, TAPS Working Paper Series # 2. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, William R. Leonard, Tomás Huanca, Vincent Vadez, Karishma Patel.


Physical stature of adult Tsimane' Amerindians, Bolivian Amazon in the 20th century, TAPS Working Paper Series # 3. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, William R. Leonard, Victoria Reyes García, Elizabeth Goodman, Tomás Huanca, Susan Tanner, Thomas McDade, Vincent Vadez.


Human body-mass index (weight in kg/stature in mt2) as a useful proxy to assess the relation between income and wildlife consumption in poor rural societies, TAPS Working Paper Series # 4. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, David Wilkie, Victoria Reyes García, William R. Leonard, Tomás Huanca, Thomas McDade, Vincent Vadez, Susan Tanner.


How well do people in autarky protect food consumption? Panel evidence from foragers and farmers in the Bolivian Amazon, TAPS Working Paper Series # 5. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, William R. Leonard, Elizabeth Byron.


Non-market returns to traditional and modern human capital: Nutritional satus in a native Amazonian society, TAPS Working Paper Series # 6. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, Ricardo Godoy, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner.


Language skills and earnings: Evidence from a pre-industrial economy in the Bolivian Amazon, TAPS Working Paper Series # 7. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez.


Does village inequality in modern income harm the psyche? Anger, fear, sadness, and alcohol in a pre-industrial economy, TAPS Working Paper Series # 8. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Thomas McDade, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez.


Spousal empowerment and nutritional status among native Amazonians, TAPS Working Paper Series # 9. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Ankur Patel, Tomás Huanca, Mariana Caram, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez, Cynthia Valdés Galicia.


Methods for collecting panel data: What can cultural anthropology learn from other disciplines?, TAPS Working Paper Series # 10. PDF + Panelistas: Clarence Gravlee, David Kennedy, Ricardo Godoy, William R. Leonard.


BMI, income, and social capital in a pre-industrial society of the Bolivian Amazon: Interaction between relative and community effects, TAPS Working Paper Series # 11. PDF + Panelistas: Marek Brabec, Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, William R. Leonard.


The role of community and individuals in the formation of social capital, TAPS Working Paper Series # 12. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez.


Melancholy and weight change: Panel evidence from a pre-industrial economy in the Bolivian amazon, TAPS Working Paper Series # 13. PDF + Ricardo Godoy, Elizabeth Goodman, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez.


Income inequality and deforestation: Evidence from a small-scale, pre-industrial society in the Bolivian Amazon, TAPS Working Paper Series # 14. PDF + Panelistas: Óscar Zapata Ríos, Vincent Vadez, Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard.


Interviewer basis: lessons from panel and cross-sectional surveys from a native Amazonian society, TAPS Working Paper Series # 15. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, Ricardo Godoy, Elizabeth Byron, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard.


Almost ten years since decentralization laws in Bolivia: Status quo or improvement for the lowland indigenous people? Evidences from the Tsimane', TAPS Working Paper Series # 16. PDF + Autores: Vincent Vadez & Victoria Reyes García.


Schooling's contribution to social capital: an instrumental-variable approach with data from a native Amazonian society, TAPS Working Paper Series # 17. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Craig Seyfried Jr., Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez.


Cash cropping, farm technologies, and deforestation: what are the connections? A model with empirical data from the Bolivian Amazon, TAPS Working Paper Series # 18. PDF + Panelistas: Vincent Vadez, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard.


Individual and group incentives to invest in pro-social behavior: A study in the Bolivian Amazon, TAPS Working Paper Series # 19. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Ricardo Godoy, Vincent Vadez, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard.


Indigenous knowledge and consumption of wild plants: a comparative study, TAPS Working Papers Series # 20. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, David Wilkie.


Measuring what people know about the environment: A review of quantitative studies, TAPS Working Papers Series # 21. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, Susan Tanner, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade.


Signaling by consumption: Income shocks and intra-household expenditure allocations in autarky, TAPS Working Papers Series # 22. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Craig Seyfried Jr., Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, Susan Tanner, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade.


How poor are people in autarky? On the measure of income in autarky and the economic (un)importance of social capital, TAPS Working Papers Series # 23. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez, Craig Seyfried Jr.


Ethnobotanical knowledge correlates with crop diversity: Evidence from a native Amazonian society, TAPS Working Papers Series # 24. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, Neus Mari, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Susan Tanner.


The pay-offs to sociability: Solitary and social leisure and hapiness, TAPS Working Papers Series # 25. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Ricardo Godoy, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez, James Broesch, Ian Fitzpatrick, Drew Gerkey, Peter Giovannini.


On the accuracy of perceived parental height in a native Amazonian society, TAPS Working Papers Series # 26. PDF + Panelistas: Ankur M. Patel, Ricardo A. Godoy, Craig Seyfried, Victoria Reyes García.


Economic development and local ecological knowledge: a deadlock? Data from a native society, TAPS Working Papers Series # 27. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade.


Ethnobotanical skills and clearance of tropical rainforest for agriculture. A study in lowland Bolivia, TAPS Working Papers Series # 28. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner.


Does modernization erode the secular trend of indigenous knowledge? New evidences from native Amazonians born 1920-1985, Bolivia, TAPS Working Paper Series # 29. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, James Broesch, Ian Fitzpatrick, Peter Giovannini, María Ruth Martínez Rodríguez, Naveen Jha, Tomás Huanca.


Rainfall amount and variability during gestation and early childhood and adult height in a foraging and horticultural society of the Bolivian Amazon, TAPS Working Papers Series # 30. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Susan Tanner, Ian Fitzpatrick, Peter Giovannini, Melanie Vento, Naveen Jha, William R. Leonard.


Parental preference, bargaining power, and child nutritional status: Evidence from the Bolivian Amazon, TAPS Working Papers Series # 31. PDF + Panelistas: Ankur M. Patel, William R. Leonard, Victoria Reyes García, Thomas McDade, Tomás Huanca, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez.


Can we trust an adult´s estimate of parental school attainment?, TAPS Working Papers Series # 32. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Victoria Reyes García, Susan Tanner, Tomás Huanca.


Anthropometric indicators of children and young adults and rainfall in a native Amazonian society of Bolivia, TAPS Working Papers Series # 33. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Dan Eisenberg, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Melanie Vento.


Assortative mating and offspring well-being: Theory and empirical findings from a native Amazonian society in Bolivia, TAPS Working Papers Series # 34. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Dan Eisenberg, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner.


Climate and child height among native Amazonians, TAPS Working Papers Series # 35. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Elizabeth Goodman, Victoria Reyes García, Dan Eisenberg, William R. Leonard, Tomás Huanca, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner.


Maintenance vs. growth: Investigating the costs of immune activation among children in lowland Bolivia, TAPS Working Papers Series # 36. PDF + Panelistas: Thomas McDade, Victoria Reyes García, Susan Tanner, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard.


Tsimane' Amazonian Panel Study (TAPS): The first five years (2002-2006) of data available to the public in 2008, TAPS Working Papers Series # 37. PDF + Autores: William R. Leonard & Ricardo Godoy.


The pay-offs to sociability: Do solitary and social leisure relate to hapiness?, TAPS Working Papers Series # 38. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Ricardo Godoy, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez, María Ruth Martínez Rodríguez.


Ethnobotanical knowledge and crop diversity in swidden fields: A study in a native Amazonian society, TAPS Working Papers Series # 39. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, Neus Marti, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Susan Tanner.


Social rank and adult male nutritional status: Evidence of the social gradient of health from a foraging-farming society, TAPS Working Paper Series # 40. PDF + Panelistas: TAPS Bolivian Study Team.


Cultural transmission of ethnobotanical competence: An empirical analysis from a society of foragers and farmers, TAPS Working Papers Series # 41. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, James Broesch, Soroush Parsa, Laura Calvet, Nuria Fuentes, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Ricardo Godoy, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, María Ruth Martínez Rodríguez.


Effects of future weather on foraging and farming productivity: Implications for farming's diffusion, TAPS Working Papers Series # 42. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Ori Haffetz, Victoria Reyes García, Vincent Vadez, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Sanjay Kumar, Javed Iqbal, David Wilkie, Susan Tanner, Tomás Huanca.


Short and long-run effects of household income on household forest clearance among native Amazonians: Panel evidence (2002-2006) from the Tsimane', Bolivia, TAPS Working Papers Series # 43. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, William R. Leonard, Susan Tanner, Tomás Huanca, Vincent Vadez, David Wilkie.


The effect of real income on wildlife consumption among native Amazonians in Bolivia, TAPS Working Papers Series # 44. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, David Wilkie, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner, Vincent Vadez.


Does civilization cause discontentments among indigenous Amazonians?, TAPS Working Papers Series # 45. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Elizabeth Zeinalova, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, Holly Kosiewicz, William R. Leonard, Susan Tanner.


Individual wealth rank, community wealth inequality, and self-reported adult poor health, TAPS Working Papers Series # 46. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Colleen Nyberg, Dan Eisenberg, Oyunbileg Magvanjav, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard.


Why no adult stunting penalty or height premium? Estimates from native Amazonians in Bolivia, TAPS Working Paper Series 47. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Colleen Nyberg, Dan Eisenberg, Thomas McDade, Oyunbileg Magvanjav, William R. Leonard, Victoria Reyes García, Tomás Huanca, susan Tanner, Clarence Gravlee.


Short but growing: Catch-up growth among native Amazonian Bolivian children, TAPS Working Paper Series # 48. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Colleen Nyberg, Dan Eisenberg, Oyunbileg Magvanjav, Eliezer Shinnar, William R. Leonard, Clarence Gravlee, Victoria Reyes García, Thomas McDade, Tomás Huanca, Susan Tanner.


Influence of helminth infections on childhood nutritional status in lowland Bolivia, TAPS Working Paper Series # 49. PDF + Panelistas: Susan Tanner, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Victoria Reyes García, Ricardo Godoy, Tomás Huanca.


Moving beyond a snapshot to understand changes in the well-being of native Amazonians: Panel evidence (2002-2006) from Bolivia, TAPS Working Paper Series # 50. PDF + Panelistas: Ricardo Godoy, Victoria Reyes García, Clarence Gravlee, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Susan Tanner.


"The soul reveals itself by way of the flesh". Facial cues and human perception: a study from the Bolivian Amazon, TAPS Working Paper Series # 51. PDF + Panelistas: Eduardo Undurraga, Oyunbileg Magvanjav, Leslie Zebrowitz, Ruoxue Wang, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Victoria Reyes García, Colleen Nyberg, Dan Eisenberg, Susan Tanner, Tomás Huanca, Ricardo Godoy.


Modernization and culture loss: A natural experiment among native Amazonians in Bolivia, TAPS Working Paper Series # 52. PDF + Panelistas: Karla Rubio jovel, Eduardo Undurraga, Obiko Magvanjav, Clarence Gravlee, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Thomas McDade, Victoria Reyes García, Susan Tanner, Ricardo Godoy.


Testing a poverty trap mechanism with Tsimane' panel data, TAPS Working Paper Series # 53. PDF + Elaboración: Emilie Perge.


Cultural consonance and psychological well-being, TAPS Working Paper Series # 54. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Clarence Gravlee, Thomas McDade, Tomás Huanca, William R. Leonard, Susan Tanner.


Schooling and local environmental knowledge: Do they complement or substitute each other?, TAPS Working Paper Series # 55. PDF + Panelistas: Victoria Reyes García, Eric Kightley, Isabel Ruíz Mallén, Nuria Fuentes Peláez, Katie Demps, Tomás Huanca, María Ruth Martínez Rodríguez.


Adult body mass and body fat associated with consumption of traditional food and good health: Evidence from native Amazonians, TAPS Working Paper Series # 56. PDF + Panelistas: Wu Zeng, Dan Eisenberg, Karla Rubio Jovel, Eduardo Undurraga, Colleen Nyberg, Susan Tanner, Victoria Reyes García, William R. Leonard, Juliana Castano, Tomás Huanca, Thomas McDade, Ricardo Godoy.

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